At SS Peter & Paul Catholic Primary, pupils are taught the importance of developing a virtuous life. The Catechism describes a virtue as “an interior disposition, a positive habit, a passion that has been placed at the service of the good.” Cardinal Vincent Nichols explained, “It’s those habits of mind and action which genuinely serve the common good.”

The values and virtues we teach and practise at SS Peter & Paul are as follows:

Grateful and Generous
Attentive and Discerning
Compassionate and Loving
Fath-filled and Hopeful
Eloquent and Truthful
Learned and Wise
Curious and Active
Intentional and Prophetic

Every half term, our school focuses on one pair of these complementary values and virtues. Pupils spend time reflecting on the meaning of them; how they see them in action in their lives and in the lives of others and how they can work to encapsulate these values and virtues in their lives. To live out these values, putting faith into action, pupils and staff can nominate children for a values award which is celebrated by the whole school in our weekly Praise and Values assembly.

As well as our Catholic values and virtues, we ensure our pupils are prepared for life in modern Britain through our Modern British Values curriculum which covers democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.