All of our Afternoon Nursery and some children from Reception have enjoyed participating in a ten week Forest School Programme at Wildside Activity Centre. In addition to adapting to a new environment, fostering curiosity, learning how to manage risks, and developing their social skills, confidence and physical abilities – they have also made dens, climbed trees, balanced on ropes splashed in puddles, made mud pies, made magic potions, learned camp fire rules, sat around a campfire, toasted marshmallows, gone pond dipping and played 1,2,3 where are you? What a busy ten weeks, and an incredible outdoor learning opportunity.
Families were invited to join us for our final celebration session; parents commented “Jack and Jessica really enjoyed forest school and told me all about what they did there…Savannah loved the forest school, I’m so happy she had this experience! I loved it too, thank you so much…It was a brilliant idea having the kids and mums explore different things during the event. My child absolutely loved it…Jake has been able to tell us all about fire safety and the games he has played. He always asks if he can take his wellies to school for forest school, even if it’s not Wednesday!”