
“During these challenging times, it has become clearer to me than ever before the importance of keeping active and how it benefits not just our physical health but our ability to pay attention, our mood and our mental health too” (Statement by Gavin Williamson – Minister for Education regarding P.E. Sport Premium School Funding 05.07.20)


With reference to the above statement, at SS Peter and Paul’s Catholic Primary Academy we strive to deliver outstanding teaching and learning opportunities that promote the importance and understanding of physical literacy, and in turn a healthy lifestyle. We teach our pupils in an inclusive, safe guarded and supportive environment. Additionally, we ensure our pupils can communicate, cooperate, and collaborate with others as part of an effective team, whilst understanding the importance of fairness and hard work. Through a consistent approach we embed lifelong values.


  • • SS Peter and Paul’s Catholic Primary Academy provides inspiring and enjoyable learning through a variety of sporting activities.
  • The long-term P.E. plan details the units, which are taught throughout the academic year thus ensuring that the requirements of the national curriculum are fully implemented.
  • Our pupils participate in two high quality lessons per week, one hour per session. Over the academic year pupils will focus on specific sporting disciplines. In addition, children are encouraged to take part in a variety of extra-curricular activities and we incorporate lunchtime and after school sports activities on a regular basis.
  • Children are invited to attend competitive sporting events within the surrounding area. As well as intra sporting events, this encourages our pupils to develop both their physical skills and mental wellbeing. Additionally, these events encourage teamwork, leadership skills and community interactivity.
  • Lessons are adapted to meet the needs of children who are SEND and are given the opportunity to compete in inter-competitions in the local area.
  • Across the school, a small group of children are invited to become sports play makers and curriculum leaders due to this, they become sporting role models for younger pupils, are able to assist with lunchtime clubs, after school activities and other sporting events.
  • Workshops: We offer our children a variety of sporting workshops throughout the year such as lessons and afterschool clubs delivered by Wolves Foundation, afterschool clubs led by Premier sports and opportunities to interact with the competitions that arise through these external providers. These opportunities help to develop our pupil’s fitness and interactive skills, whilst trying something new.
  • Swimming: Swimming is a priority within SSPP, and in 2024 we had exclusive access to a swimming pool on site. Pupils from years 4,5 and 6 had daily swimming lessons, for a five week period. Providing all children with the opportunity to learn in a safe and comfortable environment.


As a result of the many sporting opportunities provided through Physical Education, SS Peter and Paul Catholic Primary School is able to promote life-long learning, active participation and resilience. This motivates each pupil to be the ‘best they can be’, develop a deeper understanding of their physical and mental health, and expand their overall school achievement.